Electronic signature Mettom Portal
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- Electronic signature Mettom Portal
This is an instruction that explains to you how you can sign documents, such as your employment contract or payroll tax statement, electronical. Signing electronically always takes place in your personal Mettom Portal.
There is a document that needs to be signed
You have your own Mettom portal and in this portal Mettom can have an assignment for you to sign a document. Mettom can ask you to sign documents such as your employment contract. You will receive an e-mail when there is a new document for you to sign electronically.
Mettom portal
The e-mail that you will receive contains a link that directs you to the assignment ‘Digitaal ondertekenen’. In any case, you can always find the assignment on the start page of your Mettom Portal.
The assignment
Once you opened the assignment, the screen will open where you can read the document that needs to be signed. This can be a Word or PDF document. To read the document, you press on the attachment. If you agree with the content of the document, you press ‘Sign document’ or ‘Sign attachment(s)’.
Step 1. Signing
The first step is to check the information used to sign the document. Now, you can still check if the content of the document is correct. You also see the mobile number that is used to sign the document. If this number is incorrect, please contact Mettom.
If all information is correct, you can press ‘Start signing’.
Step 2. Authentication
When clicking on the button ‘Start signing’, the screen below will appear, meaning a confirmation code is send to your mobile phone number. Once received, you can fill in the confirmation code in the screen below. Press ‘Sign!’ once you inserted the confirmation code.
Step 3. Completion
After you pressed ‘Sign!’ the screen below will appear. You signed the document successfully! If you want to read the document at a later stage, you can always open your personal file in your Mettom portal.
Declaring travel expenses
Electronic signature Mettom Portal
Hour registration
Leave portal
Pay-out holiday reservations
Regulations concerning absence
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